In the upcoming fourth episode of the series, Debbie Wingham’s hometown in South Yorkshire is explored alongside her glamorous jet-set lifestyle in Dubai and Spain. Gossip Stone TV’s hit series, The Most Expensive with Debbie Wingham, is back with a brand-new episode that promises to take viewers on a wild adventure. In this fourth installment, […]
WASHINGTON – The American Library Association (ALA) joined nearly 100 national and state organizations in signing a letter to U.S. Department of Education Secretary...
LOS ANGELES, April 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Now a No. 1 bestseller in three categories on Amazon (Popular Dance, Modern Dance, Ballroom Dance), "A Foray...
Evil Dead Rise Thursday preview screenings signal a strong start for the next chapter of the iconic horror franchise.
Sometimes, dead is better, especially at...
CHICAGO — Dr. Steven Yates, assistant director and assistant professor at the School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) at the University of Alabama,...
Vladimir Kush
LAGUNA BEACH, Calif., April 30, 2023 (
The dates have been set and during the month of May, world-renowned artist Vladimir...
Bruce Campbell thinks Freddy and Jason should be added to Evil Dead: The Game, while Ted Raimi suggests one of his characters
After the release...