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Ick (TIFF) Review: Brandon Routh gets a comeback in this creature feature

One time Superman Brandon Routh has his best role...

The Order (TIFF) Review: Jude Law is riveting in this thriller

Jude Law and Nicholas Hoult play against type in...

Christopher Reeve’s kids remember his heroism

Christopher Reeve had his troubles, but his kids remember...

Steven Soderbergh’s trick to hit movies? Just make them good!

Steven Soderbergh knows that star power is important but...
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Ick (TIFF) Review: Brandon Routh gets a comeback in this creature feature

One time Superman Brandon Routh has his best role in years as the everyman hero in Joseph Kahn’s horror-comedy, Ick. PLOT: A high school science...

The Order (TIFF) Review: Jude Law is riveting in this thriller

Jude Law and Nicholas Hoult play against type in this compelling true crime thriller. PLOT: A burnt-out FBI agent (Jude Law) tries to shut...

Christopher Reeve’s kids remember his heroism

Christopher Reeve had his troubles, but his kids remember him for his most heroic qualities, which they hope to carry with them. If ever there...

Steven Soderbergh’s trick to hit movies? Just make them good!

Steven Soderbergh knows that star power is important but is encouraging filmmakers to simply make good movies. What makes a movie good? Better yet, what...